import numpy as np
def relu(input):
'''Define your relu activation function here'''
# Calculate the value for the output of the relu function: output
output = max(input, 0)
# Return the value just calculated
def tanh(input):
'''Define your hyperbolic tangent activation function here'''
# Calculate the value for the output of the tanh function: output
output = np.tanh(input)
# Return the value just calculated
input_data = np.array([3, 5])
weights = {'node_0_0': np.array([2, 4]),
'node_0_1': np.array([ 4, -5]),
'node_1_0': np.array([-1, 2]),
'node_1_1': np.array([1, 2]),
'output': np.array([2, 7])}
def predict_with_network(input_data):
# Calculate node 0 in the first hidden layer
node_0_0_input = (input_data * weights['node_0_0']).sum()
node_0_0_output = relu(node_0_0_input)
# Calculate node 1 in the first hidden layer
node_0_1_input = (input_data * weights['node_0_1']).sum()
node_0_1_output = relu(node_0_1_input)
# Put node values into array: hidden_0_outputs
hidden_0_outputs = np.array([node_0_0_output, node_0_1_output])
# Calculate node 0 in the second hidden layer
node_1_0_input = (hidden_0_outputs * weights['node_1_0']).sum()
node_1_0_output = relu(node_1_0_input)
# Calculate node 1 in the second hidden layer
node_1_1_input = (hidden_0_outputs * weights['node_1_1']).sum()
node_1_1_output = relu(node_1_1_input)
# Put node values into array: hidden_1_outputs
hidden_1_outputs = np.array([node_1_0_output, node_1_1_output])
# Calculate model output: model_output
model_output = (hidden_1_outputs * weights['output']).sum()
# Return model_output
output = predict_with_network(input_data)