If your trying to create an image with a transparent background using Python's Pillow library, follow these 3 steps:
Open the image file or create a new image using Image.new()
Set background color to transparent using image.info['transparency'] = True
Save image in a format that supports transparency, like PNG or GIF, using image.save('image.png', **image.info**)
Here is an example:
from PIL import Image
Create a new image with a transparent background
image = Image.new('RGBA', (100, 100), (0, 0, 0, 0))
Save the image as a PNG with transparency
image.save('transparent_image.png', **image.info)
This will create the 100x100 pixel image with the fully transparent background. You can then draw or paste other images onto this transparent background.
Remember use the 'RGBA' mode when creating new image, as it supports transparency. The (0, 0, 0, 0) color represents the transparent background, where the last value (alpha) is 0 for fully transparent.