import morgan, { StreamOptions } from "morgan";
import Logger from "../lib/logger";
// Override the stream method by telling
// Morgan to use our custom logger instead of the console.log.
const stream: StreamOptions = {
// Use the http severity
write: (message) => Logger.http(message),
// Skip all the Morgan http log if the
// application is not running in development mode.
// This method is not really needed here since
// we already told to the logger that it should print
// only warning and error messages in production.
const skip = () => {
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
return env !== "development";
// Build the morgan middleware
const morganMiddleware = morgan(
// Define message format string (this is the default one).
// The message format is made from tokens, and each token is
// defined inside the Morgan library.
// You can create your custom token to show what do you want from a request.
":method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms",
// Options: in this case, I overwrote the stream and the skip logic.
// See the methods above.
{ stream, skip }
export default morganMiddleware;