0 5-17/3 * * * # this is UTC time. Adjust accordingly
# 0 - seconds, run at the start of minute
# 0 - minutes, run at the start of hour
# 5-17/3 - hours, 5-17 - run from 5am-5pm, /3 - run every 3rd hour
# * - days, run every day
# * - weeks, run every week
# * - months, run every month
jb1=$(sbatch $SCRIPTPATH/cpptraj_rmsd_scripts/ # run combine
id1=`echo $jb1 | awk '{print $4}'`
cp $SCRIPTPATH/cpptraj_rmsd_scripts/cpptraj.$ ./
jobsub=$(sbatch --dependency=afterany:$id1 cpptraj.* # rmsd calc uniq in each folders
id2=`echo $jobsub | awk '{print $4}'`
echo " first job $id1 then dependancy second job $id2 #####"