I assume you know how to use git.
I also assume you've ran the heroku create command for the app.
First commit the app if you haven't, then run this command:
git push heroku master
If there's an error, then try to fix it.
After that access the website by running this command:
heroku open
And run this command if you encounter an error with the website:
heroku logs --tail
heroku login
heroku create
git add .
git commit -m "test"
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku open
Open cmd in the directory of your project. Then enter the following things
git checkout branch-to-deploy
heroku git:remote -a app-name
git push heroku branch-to-deploy:main
//Setting up Heroku for deployment
$ heroku login
$ heroku git:remote -a datingwebappl
//.NET Core edge
$ heroku buildpacks:set
//resources > add-ons > search: Heroku postgres > HobbyDev-Free = as database
// setting up variable > settings > config Vars > reveal > add key and value of cloudinary
//review you appsetting to reveal cloudinary settings
//Paste Heroku Connection string snippet > services.AddDbContext<DataContext> file:ApplicationSrviceExtentions.cs
//================================ back to cmd
$ heroku config:set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production
$ git push heroku master
//after long wait ,the url will be given. ~end
// BUT if ever an error occur > DEBUG it to heroku> more > logs
// example secret key of the token is hasn't set
$ heroku config:set TokenKey=n373R_G0nn@_G1v3_y0u_Up_n3v37_90nn@_L3+_y0u_d0wn