All Answers Tagged With let
- use of a let/const variable outside function
- function find_max(nums) { 2 let max_num = number.negative_infinity; // smaller than all other numbers 3 for (let num of nums) { 4 if (num > max_num) { 5 // (fill in the missing line here) 6 } 7 } 8 return max_num; 9 }
- var const and let in javascript
- var vs let javascript
- let const var in javascript
- swift if let
- js var let const
- const fetchOptions = {
credentials: "include",
headers: {
"X-IG-App-ID": "936619743392459",
method: "GET",
let username;
window.resolveInstaScriptPermissions = () => {};
async function executeWithNotice(fn, ...args) {
if (window.loc
- I have show interfaces output need to store each interface output lines in list , let say I ahve 10 interfaces then all the 10 interface output should be store in 10 different lists
- function fairDistribution(data) {
let balanceArray = [];
// Insert your code here
return balanceArray;
const expenses = [
{ name: 'Julia', amount: 500 },
{ name: 'John', amount: 300 },
{ name: 'Alex', amount: 400 },
- ubuntu vpnc won't let add the conection
- // equivalent to o = new Boolean(false) let o = new Object(Boolean())
- function change font Size (type){ let s=["#h", "#p"]; ids . forEach( id=>{ let el = document.queryselector(id); let fontsize = window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("font-size") fontsize = parseFloat( fontSize); if(type === "increase" ) { el.
- for (let i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
let resultado = 12 * i;
console.log(`12 * $(i) =$[resultado]`);
- let b = "10000";
let a = "1";
let arr1 = a.split("");
let arr2 = b.split("");
let maxArr = arr1.length > arr2.length?arr1:arr2;
let k = maxArr.length-1;
let i = arr1.length-1;
let j = arr2.length-1;
let ans = [];
- function removeDuplicates(arr) {
const result = [];
let found;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
found = false;
for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
if (arr[i] === result[j]) {
found = true;
- explanation: in the above given, two names a and y are common letters that are occurring one time(common count) in both names, so we are removing these letters from both names. now count the total letters that are left here it is 5. now start removing let
- web app let user confirm closing tab
- revisalo function contarVocales(arreglo) {
let contador2 = 0;
let contar_vocales = 0;
while(contador2 < arreglo.length) {
if(arreglo[contador2] == "a" || arreglo[contador2] == "e" || arreglo
[contador2] == "i" || arreglo[conta
- var và let
- function recordCurrentDate() { let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); let currentDate = new Date(); let currentTime = new Date(); // Set the desired time for the daily update (9:30 AM). let targetTime = new Date(); targetTime.
- blocking scoping let
- let myFirstVariable = 1; myFirstVariable = 'Some string'; myFirstVariable = new SomeComplexClass();
- create object let dog = { name: "Sally", breed: "Border Collie", age: 3, bark: function() { alert("Bark! Bark!"); } }
- how to let something see on screen with python
- adds express static to let https access directory via express
- File "", line 106 '@'tasks.loop(hours=1.0) #without quotation marks Reddit won't let me use the at sign without them
- Javascript function that doesn't let more than 30 words be typed
- qt list widget let editable
- let grade = 90;
let x;
console.log('pull up your socks!!');
- settimeout javascript let and const
- create object let dog = { name: "Sally", breed: "Border Collie", age: 3, bark: function() { alert("Bark! Bark!"); } }
- let highScore = [{ name: "Hrishikesh", score: "2" }, { name: "rahul", score: "9" }, { name: "ronaldo", score: 5 }]; Q i want to find the highest score between the scores of the object of the arrays
- who was live and let die song made for
- This code gets an error - private let collectionView: UICollectionView = {
let layout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
layout.scrollDirection = .horizontal
let collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: .zero, collectionViewLayout:
- let date1 = "25/10/1982"; let date2 = "25 - 10 - 1982"; let date3 = "25 10 1982"; let date4 = "25 10 82"; let re = //; // Write Pattern Here console.log(date1.match(re)); // "25/10/1982" console.log(date2.match(re)); // "25 - 10 - 1982" console.log(date
- in rust let mut name:String = String::from("hello"); vs let mut name:str = String::from("hello"); what is the difference in these two statements
- let num = parseInt(string);
- css let div be last
- Let say, we run a java class without passing any arguments. What will be the value of String array of arguments in Main method?
- let variable name : any = () => { return new typescript fie}
- what is the error in below code:var kthFactor = function(n, k) {
let factor=[];
for(i=0;i<=n;i++) {
return factor[k-1];
return -1
- script with let error webview react native
- fix this let express = require('express');
let router = express.Router();
let category_controller = require("../controllers/categoryController")
let item_controller = require("../controllers/itemController");
let Item = require("../models/items");
let Cat
- kotlin let in two variables
- ubuntu run multiple commands in one line and let them run after close shell
- Getting 404 error when you refresh your React app after you hosting it on Hostinger and go to another page other than the home page. Let me repeat the problem again: After you host your app on hostinger , It looks like everything works well, but suppose
- rust How to use if let statement with conditions?
- Let say there is a Customer class. We add objects of Customer class to an ArrayList. How can we sort the Customer objects in ArrayList by using customer firstName attribute of Customer class?
- let in french
- why do we use let in nodejs
- lets say I have two sets of radio buttons. 1. Session 1 radio buttons, 2. Session 2 radio buttons.
user must check one radio button from Session 1 before checking Session 2 radio button.
if the user selects Session 2 first, do not let the user check that
- let a local variable
- let obj = { key1: "value1", key2: "value2", key3: "value3" } Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { console.log(key, obj[key]); }); // key1 value1 // key2 value2 // key3 value3 // using for in - same output as above for (let key in obj) { let val
- <script type="text/javascript"> //Week number to week name converter //define function function weekNumberToWeekNameConverter(number) { let name switch(number) { case 1: name="Week1"; break; case 2: name="Week2";
- C# system dont let write txt file
- let number = 0;
while (number <= 10) {
console.log("vat khamu", number);
how to add only even number , just change the number++
- is const faster than let js
- unction reverseCompare(num) { if(!(num=>10 && num < 100)) { return "Given Number Must Be Two Digits"; } else { return num } let stringNum = num.toString(); let splitNum = stringNum.split(''); let reverseNum = splitNum.reverse(); let joinNum = reverseNum.j
- how to let the user input desmials in python
- let const var in javascript
- how to let a textview take 75 percent of its parent width android xml
- let inputWords = ["spray", "limit", "elite", "exuberant", "destruction", "present"]; const input = inputWords.filter(word => word.length > 6); console.log(input);
- for let key value in object javascript
- Can you access the let variable outside of the block scope?
- let processed = 0;
function processArg(num) {
return (num + 3) / 5;
Call the processArg function with an argument of 7 and assign its return value to the variable processed.
- let aa = 10;
let bb = "20";
let cc = "";
let dd = "50";
console.log(aa + bb + cc - dd);
- unction reverseCompare(num) { if(!(num=>10 && num < 100)) { return "Given Number Must Be Two Digits"; } else { return num } let stringNum = num.toString(); let splitNum = stringNum.split(''); let reverseNum = splitNum.reverse(); let joinNum = reverseNum.j
- Let NetworkManager manage all devices on wsl 2
- rust expected item found keyword let
- let const var in javascript
- const handleEdit = (e) => { console.log(`edit ${"value")}`); let idx = parseInt("value")) - 1; setEIdx(idx); setTargetEditCustomer(customersArr[idx]); handleEditToggle(); };
- let text1 ="Hello" let result = text.slice(-1,-2); console.log(result); .
- let values = [3.0,6.0,9.0,1.0] let squares = {$0 * $0} print(squares)
- addOption.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
let option = createNewOption();
- i have two arrays let a = [{id:1,name:"tony"},{id:2,name:"jose"}] let b = [{id:1,house:"akhil"},{id:2,house:"jithu"}] and i need to combine both array and get result like let c = [{id:1,name:"tony",house:"akhil"},{id:2,name:"jose",house:"jithu"}]
- const and let keywords in ES6
- function footerSpacing(){
let curveHeight = 810;
$('.footer').css("margin-top", `${-curveHeight / 2}px`);
let oldBottomSpacing = $('.footer').prev('section').css('padding-bottom');
oldBottomSpacing.replace('px' , '');
- a let variable is not defined
- rust lang expected item found let
- julia let block
- rspec let with arguments
- let num = 303 console.log(num++)
- please explain code in react:
let x = await response.json()
- whats the difference between let and const lol
- player root position animation wont let me move amnually
- navbar swipe from let in bootstrap4
- let const var in javascript
- Let say your Project Manager tell you that your database requests are consume a lot of memory, you need to do something to improve the performance. How would you do it in hibernate ?
- let num = 303 console.log(num++)
- how to get loggedin username from localstorage in home page from this code const signUp = e =>{
let fname = document.getElementById('fname').value;
email =document.getElementById('email').value;
contact = document.getElementById('contact').va
- search_result={} fetch(`/search/${name}`) .then(Response =>Response.json()) .then(Response => { this.search_result = x=>{ let result ={}; Object.assign(result,x); return result })
- function find_max(nums) { 2 let max_num = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // smaller than all other numbers 3 for (let num of nums) { 4 if (num > max_num) { 5 // (Fill in the missing line here) 6 } 7 } 8 return max_num; 9 }
- const calculateTotalImperative = (items, tax) => { let result = 0; for (const item of items) { const { price, taxable } = item; if (taxable) { result += price * Math.abs(tax); } result += price; } return result; };
- let carName1 = "Volvo XC60";
- js let vs var performance
- Write an extension on buildcontext in flutter for handling showing snackbar and dialog. Let there be a method to show loading dialog, to show success and failure snackbars with inline comments
- how to get loggedin username from localstorage in home page from this code const signUp = e =>{
let fname = document.getElementById('fname').value;
email =document.getElementById('email').value;
contact = document.getElementById('contact').va
- do not let the laptop go in sleep when closing the lid
- how to not let image expand the height of row jetpack compose
- let suma =0; for(let i = 3; i <1000;i++){ if(Number.isInteger(i/3)|| Number.isInteger(i/5)){ suma = suma + i; } console.log(i); }
- let x = hello();
- Bonjour, Pourrais-tu ajouter à ce script Airtable un troisième champ d'identification qui sera le champ "Type de document" let settings = input.config({
description: `This script will del
- function nbYear(p0, percent, aug, p) { let n = 0; while(p0 < p) { p0 = p0 + Math.round(p0 * (percent/100)) + aug; n ++; } return n; }
- let fruta angular
- let scores = [80, 90, 70]; for (const score of scores) { console.log(score); }
- create a website by writing code for a seven seater psv vehycles web using html,css,js, let the site have a nav bar
- Bonjour, Pourrais-tu ajouter à ce script Airtable un troisième champ d'identification qui sera le champ "Type de document" let settings = input.config({
description: `This script will delete dupli
- let object = { sum: (a, b) => { return a + b; }, a: 3, b: 2 } console.log(object.sum(object.a, object.b));
- let result = 7 + 13 / 9 + 7; let result2 = 100 / 2 * 6; answer= result* result2; result = answer; final Result = result.toFixed(2); final Number = Number(final Result); console.log(finalNumber);
- let fruta angular
- function myFunction ( a, b ) { let arr = a.split('') for(let i = arr.length - 3; i > 0; i -= 3) { arr.splice(i, 0, b) } return arr.join(''); }
- let the click event run one time
- Fix ""/add-product",(reg,res)=>{
const (p_url,p_name} = req.body;
let insertProducts = "INSERT INTO Products (product _url, product_name) VALUES (?,?);
connection.query(insertProducts, [P_urI,p_name], (err, rows, fields) => {
- Problem Statement
For an integer n, let S(n) be the sum of digits in the decimal notation of n. For example, we have S(123) = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
Given two 3-digit integers A and B, find the greater of S(A) and S(B).
• All values in input are inte
- Bonjour, Pourrais-tu ajouter à ce script Airtable un troisième champ d'identification qui sera le champ "Type de document" let settings = input.config({
description: `This script wi
- let object = { sum: (a, b) => { return a + b; }, a: 3, b: 2 } console.log(object.sum(object.a, object.b));
- let
- let in python
- function find_max(nums) { 2 let max_num = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // smaller than all other numbers 3 for (let num of nums) { 4 if (num > max_num) { 5 // (Fill in the missing line here) 6 } 7 } 8 return max_num; 9 }
- let radius =5 let pi =8 let area area=pi*radius*radius console.log(area)
- let pastriesArr = ['muffin', 'cookie', 'pie', 'cupcake', 'strudel']; what do I type to retreive pie
- let values = [3.0,6.0,9.0,1.0] let squares = {$0 * $0} print(squares)
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