The problem :
i am trying to read for a big json data structure and I get the message:
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 0
The command that I'm using is the next one:
n_rules=$(echo rulebase_list | jq '.total')
and the file has in the first hierarchy level a variable which is
"total" : 126
The answer :
Carefully check your script against the one you posted in the question. If they match then the answer is very easy.
There is no "total" : 126 in the string you pass to jq because you pass it the output of echo rulebase_list that is rulebase_list.
What you probably wanted is to send to jq the content of the rulebase_list file and the tool for this is cat:
n_rules=$(cat rulebase_list | jq '.total')
Alternatively (and faster) is to redirect the input of jq from the file:
n_rules=$(jq '.total' < rulebase_list)
Or to specify the input file name as the last argument in the command line of jq:
n_rules=$(jq '.total' rulebase_list)
Read more about jq: https: